Hills n' ValleysInstallation, 8x5m, wood, Kubus Export, Vienna, 2013Realized with Sophia Hatwagner and Matthew Lenkiewicz
Hills n‘ Valleys was a month-long art project in Kubus Export, Vienna. The transparent space was designed 15 years ago by, Austrian performance artist, Valie Export and stands in the 16th district of Vienna under a subway bridge.Hills n‘ Valleys restaged certain urban objects, forms and actions attempting to recreate existing places in a new location. Four different spatial situations, temple, stage, mountain and a final were constructed in four weeks, complementing each other in from and content, while using the basic timber elements which were adaptable and re-useable. Each setting represented a new stage or frame for the events that took place, integrating local residents, shops, clubs and artists on Hills n‘ Valleys.