Life on the linevideo, HD, 9min, 16:9, colour, stereo, 2012. Sound design: Dominik Traun
When the Land of Three Dimensions seems almost as visionary as the Land of One or None; when even this hard wall that bars me from my freedom, the lines, appear no better than the offspring of a diseased imagination, or the baseless fabric of a dream. You will perceive at once that it is impossible that there should be anything of what you call a "solid" kind. I am sorry you were so disappointed. Nothing was visible, nor could be visible, to us, except Straight Lines. (Quoted from "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbott and "Life on the line" by Fad Gadget)
In the video Life on the line I have filmed several housing estates on the outskirts of Vienna, which are special due an artificiality: places that are characterized by an absence, either by the lack of life, a third or a fourth dimension. Thus, they transform themselves into stage-like constructs, where architecture appears like scenery while movement seems staged.